Wednesday, December 14, 2011

PostgreSQL 'C' Function to execute shell command

How to run a shell command from a PostgreSQL function?

A typical example is to send sms through 'gnokii' with AT drivers.

1) Install gnokii with the following command
sudo apt-get install gnokii

2) Gnokii config shall be in /etc/gnokiirc with appropriate contents. I have used the following for Nokia 6681 connected to server by USB cable. Most of the mobiles will work with this configuration.

port = /dev/ttyACM0
model = AT
connection = serial

3) For compiling the PostgreSQL 'C' function, install the server development package by issuing the command
sudo apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-8.4

4) Create a shell script to Send SMS through gnokii, make it executable and place it in the common PATH preferably in /usr/local/bin/
  Contents of

echo $2 | /usr/bin/gnokii --config /etc/gnokiirc --sendsms $1

if [ $? -eq 0 ]  # Test exit status of "gnokii" command.
  exit 0
  exit -1

5) Create a PostgreSQL C function to execute any shell command:
   Contents of exec_shell_command.c

/* POSTGRESQL C Function to execute shell command */
#include <string.h>
#include "postgres.h"
#include "fmgr.h"


/* by value */


    text *p1 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0); 
    char *command = VARDATA(p1);
    int retVal = system(command);

6) Compile the above c file to generate object code.
gcc -c -fpic -I/usr/include/postgresql/8.4/server exec_shell_command.c -o exec_shell_command.o
The above code is a single line command.

7) Generate shared library from the object code generated in step 6.
gcc -shared -o exec_shell_command.o 
The above code is a single line command.

8) Copy the shared object to PostgreSQL library path.
sudo cp -f /usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/lib/

The above code is a single line command.

9) Add the user 'postgres' to the group 'dialout' to get permission to access USB serialport
sudo usermod  --groups dialout --append postgres

10) Create a function in Postgresql to use the 'C' function just we have created.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION exec_shell_command(text)
  RETURNS integer AS
'$libdir/', 'exec_shell_command'

Test the function by running the following command in PostgreSQL shell.
SELECT exec_shell_command(' 9894835581 "Hello Rampro, How are you?"');

OR Any other shell command.

That's it.  This function can be called from any procedure to execute any arbitrary shell command.