Thursday, April 12, 2012

Internet Connection through Idea NetSetter(Huawei E620) from Ubuntu 11.04

Internet connection through USB sticks works out of box in Ubuntu with usb-modeswitch. But Idea NetSetter - Huawei E620, requires a tweak.

1) gedit /lib/udev/rules.d/40-usb_modeswitch.rules file. 
2) Add -H switch (Huawei Mode) in the line under Huawei E169, which will be as follows after the change.
ATTRS{idVendor}=="12d1", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1001", RUN+="usb_modeswitch -H '%b/%k'"

Save the file and restart udev service.

In the Mobile Broadband Configuration Change the Number in the Basic section to #99***1#.

Now, the internet connection can be established through Idea NetSetter (Huawei E620) from Ubuntu 11.04.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

How to block advertisements?

When we view the railway related information in web site, there will be flood of advertisements from * This happens even when the pop-ups are blocked and javascript is disabled in the Chrome preferences.

These advertisements are embedded as flash files just before the body tag. We do not know whether Indian Railway is purposely doing it OR these advertisement lines are inserted on the fly in the en-route. However these advertisements are irritating.

To prevent such ads, just block the plugins(in this case 'Flash') from this web site.

This procedure is Google Chrome specific.

1) Select Settings->preferences.
2) Choose 'Under the hood', then 'Content Settings'.
3) Click Manage Exceptions under 'Plug-ins'.
4) Enter and choose 'Block'. Press Enter to add.

This disables the Flash advertisements.

Also prevent JavaScript from

That's it, the ads will be blocked in the web site. Enjoy browsing Indian Railway Website without irritating ads.